Boat Parade and Summer Cookout – July 2014
1. All decorated entries are to meet at Beachside Bar & Grill at the south end of the Lake. Our Boat Marshall will give each entrant a numbered card.
2. The boat will parade counterclockwise around the Lake past the Judge’s Stand in Strawberry Bluff Bay. Display the numbered card you’ve been assigned as you pass the Judge’s Stand. Please parade close to shore all around the Lake so that the judges and people around the Lake can fully appreciate your designs.
3. The parade route will end at Beachside Bar & Grill. Prizes will be awarded to the top three entries.
1st Place – $50.00, 2nd Place – $30.00 and 3rd Place – $20.00. A cookout will follow the parade. All Association members are welcome at the cookout even though you did not participate in the parade. Non-members are welcome to join in the fun. Donations are welcome and membership applications will be available. Tim needs help with cookout and raffles. If you can help, call Tim at (262) 389-0707.
4. A sign-up sheet will be available at the Annual Meeting for any helpers to sell tickets, dish out food or help clean up.
Hi everyone!! This is your invite to the Annual Boat Parade and Picnic on Saturday, July 5, 2014 starting at 2 p.m. at the Beachside Bar and Grill. We wanted to do something a little different this year and we are excited to say that we will have a Spinning Wheel with assorted prizes that will be running from approximately 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. We will have our great menu of Brats, Italian Sausages, Beans and Hot Dogs prepared by our great kitchen staff of Judy, Kevin and Rebecca Van Zuiden. Also, to try and top last year’s special event, there will be a new and bigger eating contest. Are you ready for a “PANCAKE” eating contest? Cash prizes will be given. Remember we always add a little surprise to our contest. Watch out for “NOLAN” a two time LMA eating contest winner as he goes for his “3 peat.”
Something new this year is “The King of Krakow”, Dewey Karcz will be preparing our Crayfish from Lake Metonga in his secret seasoned recipe which will be served in a bowl with butter. If you haven’t tried our boiled Crayfish you are in for a real treat. So make sure you stop by and grab a taste.
Beside all the good food, beer and soda we will be doing our regular meat and freezer raffle, reverse bingo and running a spinning wheel with plenty of special prizes all day long. Also, Kayla Reed and Company will be in charge of the children’s games. So please plan to attend this fun event and meet new friends and neighbors from the Lake. The judges will be handing out the awards for the boat parade so let’s see how creative you can be. Don’t forget your lawn chairs. There will be no need for umbrellas, but just in case, our rain-date is Sunday, July 6th. So see you at Beachside Bar and Grill on Saturday, July 5th. Bring your wallets and stick around. A big thank you to the managers Jason and Derek for providing the facility for this event.
Just a note: After the event there is a rumor that Jason and Derek will be providing live music.