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Lake Metonga, Fun for the Whole Family … for Generations to Come!

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee coordinates and supervises the association’s outward communication and public relation efforts including this website, a facebook page, quarterly newsletter issues, signage at the boat launches, informaton booth at Kentuck Day and Art on the Square, and public event/fundraising activities such as the 4th of July Boat Parade & Picnic and the annual Weeds’ N’Walleyes Banquet.

Other responsibilities of the Outreach Committee:

  • Assist in efforts to increase LMA membership, fundraising and capacity, volunteerism and education.
  • Oversee the association’s Apparel merchandise

Complete details of the Outreach Committee’s responsibilities and objectives are described in the 10-Year Management Plan, under Section 5.0, Management Goal 4.

This committee is staffed by association member volunteers interested in lending their time and talent to help ensure the health of the lake and the well-being of the surrounding lake community. Their recommendations are provided to the executive board for any final policy or financial considerations.

The board encourages all interested members to join a committee if you are interested in helping out in some way no matter how small or little time you can provide. “Many hands make light work”, and all the committees welcome any additional talent and time you can offer.

Outreach Committee Chair

Michelle Bauer


Outreach Committee Meeting Minutes