The Health of the Lake
ICE OUT = April 9, 2017
For a sample of an ice shove on Lake Metonga, please click on the "Ice Out Video" link below.
An ice shove, ice surge, ice heave or shoreline ice pileup is a surge of ice from an ocean or large lake onto the shore. Ice shoves are caused by ocean currents, strong winds or temperature differences pushing ice onto the shore, creating piles up to 12 meters (40 feet) high. Some have described them as ‘ice tsunamis’, but the phenomenon works like an iceberg. Witnesses have described the shove’s sound as being like that of a train or thunder. Ice shoves can damage buildings and plants that are near to the body of water. Arctic communities can be affected by ice shoves.
Video was taken on April 19, 2016. Complements of Judi Van Zuiden.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): As predicted, our problem has grown to over 250 acres. The DNR has agreed to allow the LMA to treat 60 acres of EWM this year. The DNR grant funded portion is $33,893.00 and the LMA funded portion is $28,559.80.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: The LMA will sponsor the program again this year. A grant was received from the DNR for $7,912.8 to hire inspectors. The State will fund $75% ($5,934.60) of the total budgeted cost. The Mole Lake Tribe provided $4,000.00 to support the program. Gary Mignon has agreed to be responsible for running the program.
Reference: Spring 2016 Newsletter
ICE OUT = April 19, 2016
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) beds (23.9 acres) were treated with a combination of 2-4-D & Aquathol Liquid Herbicide on 5/28/15. These beds were prioritized because of their proximity to the city beach and launch area. The cost to the Association was $23,790.20. A survey of the EWM beds will give the Association direction to the herbicide selection for 2016.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters ran from May 23, 2015, through September 9, 2015. A total of 776 hours were performed by the inspectors. Boats entering the lake came from as far away as Michigan.
Reference: Fall 2015 Newsletter
Recorded 30 inches of ice on the lake. 2014 Fall survey identified Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) growth and proposed control strategy was to perform Herbicide treatment 77.6 acres. A grant was filed with the DNR on Feb 1, 2015. The DNR would not provide any herbicide treatment funds in 2015, but would apply the funding for 2016. Considering critical EWM growth areas, the Association Board decided 21.6 acres should be treated and would be at the Association’s expense. Cost to do this treatment would be $21,860.08. Additional cost for pre & post treatment surveys plus submitting results including effectiveness of the treatment to the DNR of $7,746.50 for a total of $29,200.08.
Bullhead Harvest: 900 were harvested. An aggressive harvest in previous years has significantly reduced an abundant bullhead population. As a result, the Perch population has increased considerably over the years.
Tribal Harvest: As soon as the Ice Out occurred, the Mole Lake Tribe speared a total of 681, nearly 400 less that what was speared in 2014.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: A grant was received from the WDNR to financially support hiring three inspectors to cover the boat launches at the North and South ends of the lake. The state will fund 75% of the total budgeted cost. Schedule will begin on May 23rd and continue through September 8th. An inspector training session was conducted by the WDNR staff at the Crandon Public Library.
Reference: Spring 2015 Newsletter
ICE OUT = April 17, 2015
EWM Treatement: Since the Association did not receive DNR funding, the Board of Directors approved herbicide treatment of on 14.9 acre EWM bed on the southeast end of the lake, plus hand-pulling a 2.2 acre bed on the north end in front of the City Beach and a 2.8 acre bed at the south end in front of the boat launch. Aquatic Plant Management, LLC was contracted to provide this service which was accomplished in July at a cost of $4,986.00.
2014 Treatment Sites & Map
2014 Hand Harvest Sites & Map
Bullhead Harvest: Total pounds harvested 3,836 which equates to 5,856 fish.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: ran from May 23, 2014, through September 9, 2014. A grant from the DNR & the Chippewa Tribe were used to pay the salaries of the three inspectors. A portion of the funds were used to purchase and erect a CB-CW sign at the south boat launch.
Reference: Fall 2014 Newsletter
Total snowfall recorded 110.3 inches. Recorded 30 to 36 inches of ice on the lake, covered with 2 feet of snow. DNR Grant request was denied due to lack of funds to cover all proposed projects in the state. The board approved proceeding with an alternative plan to hand-harvest-pulling at the City Beach and in front of the County Park launch. Treatment EWM sites were contracted to be done in May or early June. Total cost for this plan was $23,667.13.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: Inspector training session was conducted by WDNR staff on April 30, 2014, at the Crandon Public Library. A grant was received from the WDNR to financially support hiring three inspectors to cover the boat launches at the North and South end of the lake. The state will fund 75% of the total budgeted cost. Schedule will begin on May 23rd and continue through September 8th. A new sign was installed at the South end boat launch to lake users to clean their boats and equipment to prevent the spread of invasive species.
Bullhead Harvest: 28 hours of harvesting bullheads was performed. The sizes captured were from 7 ½” range to 10 to 11 inch range. Total pounds harvested were 3, which equates to 5,856 fish.
Reference: Spring 2014 Newsletter
ICE OUT = May 9, 2014
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) survey was conducted in September.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: The cost of this project was completely funded by a grant that was received from the DNR & funding from the Chippewa Community to support hiring three inspectors to cover the boat launches at the North and South end of the lake. Inspections started May 25th through September 14, 2013.
Reference: Fall 2013 Newsletter
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) on June 3, 2013, a pre-treatment survey was conducted. This pre-treatment survey verifies if there is any change in the beds that were mapped last fall. This survey covered 59.8 acres to 60.0 acres. Herbicide treatment was applied on June 6, 2013.
Reference: Summer 2013 Newsletter
Snowfall total was 83.6 inches.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): A survey in the fall of 2012 was reviewed only to determine that the effectiveness of the May 30, 2012, treatment of 58.3 acres was not as effective as hoped. The conclusion was that the treatment is effected by the wind & water movement. Nine beds were marked to be treated with the balance of the grant funds and the Association would fund the rest.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: Inspectors will start on May 25th through September 8, 2013. The Association received a DNR grant and a donation from the Chippewa Mole Lake Tribe to fund this project. An inspector training session was held at the Crandon Public Library on May 24, 2013.
Reference: Spring 2013 Newsletter
ICE OUT = May 9, 2013
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): 58.3 acres were treated for a cost of $37,783.40. The City of Crandon Council budgeted $5,000.00 to financially support the treatment of the lake.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: May through September.
Reference: Fall 2012 Newsletter
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): 58.3 acres were recommended for treatment.
Reference: Summer 2012 Newsletter
Snow storm on February 28th and 29th recorded 20 to 25 inches of snow. Some places recorded 30 inches in the Crandon/Rhinelander area.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): A survey of the treatment for 2011 was reviewed covering 49.8 acres. The overall 2011 treatment was determined to be very effective. Some beds were nearly eliminated and others resulted in the decrease for EWM density.
Walleye Fry Stocking: Between 3 and 3.5 million fry were hatched and stocked in Lake Metonga in an effort to increase the walleye fishery through the Mole Lake Chippewa Fishery. The DNR has been stocking 2-2 ½ inch fingerlings in Lake Metonga in Alternate years. In 2012 they will stock 79,000 walleye fingerlings.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: Inspectors will start on May 25th through September 9, 2012.
Reference: Spring 2012 Newsletter
ICE OUT = March 24, 2012
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: Inspections were conducted from May 28th through September 11, 2011. There were 471.5 hours of boat inspections recorded.
Bullhead Harvest: 50 Bullheads were harvested during the shocking times this year.
Reference: Fall 2011 Newsletter
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: Inspections were conducted from May 28th through September 11, 2011.
Reference: Summer 2011 Newsletter
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): A survey conducted in the fall of 2010 mapped 48 acres of EWM. The Association received notice on April 7, 2011, that a two-year grant was awarded for Aquatic Invasive Specie Control and Protection.
Reference: Spring 2011 Newsletter
ICE OUT = May 5, 2011
Web site was up & running for a year.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): An anonymous donor offered a $5,000.00 match to any single or combination of donations equal to $5,000.00. The donor was concerned that the Association would have sufficient funds to continue the treatment and control of EWM. Treatment for this year a total cost of $39,795.10. The permit was $29,645.70 plus the costs for the consultant surveys, pre and post treatment, GPS marking, reports, coordination with the WDNR and chemical applicator. The state grant funded $20,507.93, the estimated cost to the Lake Metonga Association was $19,287.77. The winning boat parade entry was on target with their theme "It Costs More Than Peanuts to Keep Our Lake Clean".
Reference: Fall 2010 Newsletter
2 ½ feet of ice covered the Lake.
Spearing: In further support of the effort to increase the walleye population, the Mole Lake Tribe did not spear in Lake Metonga in 2009 and again in 2010. We appreciate their concern, involvement and financial support of $9,625.00. ($4,750.00 in 2007 and $4,875.00 in 2008) to help with the cost of stocking fingerlings for this walleye fishery project.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): Lake Metonga was surveyed by the Association’s Aquatic Ecologist Consultant, Onterra, LLC in the fall of 2009 to determine the effectiveness of the May 2009 chemical treatment of 81.1 acres of EWM. The overall treatment was very effective. The 2009 fall survey map identifies 36.5 acres of EWM that will be treated in May or early June of 2010.
Reference: Spring 2010 Newsletter
ICE OUT = April 5, 2010
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: It was a volunteer program that was started in 2003. In 2008 and 2009 the Mole Lake Sakaogon Chippewa Community provided $5,000.00 to the City of Crandon to fund the hiring of young adults to be Clean Boats-Clean Waters boat and trailer inspectors at the City boat and trailer launch.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): EWM was discovered in 1999.
Zebra Mussels: Zebra mussels were discovered in 2001.
Bullhead Harvest: Mike Preul, Mole Lake Sokaogon Chippewa Fisher Biologist, again used the Tribes’ electronic shocking boat to harvest bullheads in early June. A total of 7,000 pounds (approximately 6,000 fish) were harvested.
Reference: Fall 2009 Newsletter
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): On May 27, 2009, 81.1 acres were treated. The cost of the treatment was $52,500.00 + the permit cost of $1,270.00. A grant received in 2008 funded 75% of this cost. The remainder of the cost which is $13,442.50 was the expense of the Lake Association.
Reference: Summer 2009 Newsletter
Lake Metonga Association has partnered with the Mole Lake Chippewa tribe to enhance the walleye population in Lake Metonga. Five thousand (5,000) 6 to 9 inch walleye fingerlings were stocked in 2007 and also in 2008. The Tribe shared the cost by contributing one-half of the total cost each year.
Walleye Spering: In order to further support the effort to increase the walleye population, the Tribe did not spear on Lake Metonga in 2009.
Rusty Crayfish: A 2009 survey showed an increase in the rusty crayfish population.
Clean Boats - Clean Waters: The Mole Lake Chippewa Community donated $5,000.00 to the City of Crandon to cover the cost of hiring Clean Boats-Clean Waters inspectors for the City Beach Boat Launch.
Reference: Spring 2009 Newsletter
ICE OUT = April 25, 2009
Bullhead Harvest: 12,000 pounds (6 tons) were harvested (also referenced in the Fall 2009 Newsletter). Bullhead weight approximately estimated that 11,000 fish were removed from Metonga’s waters.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM): The Association treated 49.9 acres of EWM in May of 2008 at a cost of $35,911.00. The Mole Lake Sokoagon Chippewa Community provided $10,000.00 to the Lake Metonga Association to help control the spread of EWM in Lake Metonga. The Tribe received this grant from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA) & awarded it to the Lake Metonga Association.
Walleye Stocking: The WDNR stocked walleye fingerlings in alternate years. In 2008 Lake Metonga was stocked with 79,000 walleye fingerlings.
Reference: Fall 2008 Newsletter
ICE OUT = May 2, 2008
Lake Metonga is a 2157 acre lake located in Forest County. It has a maximum depth of 79 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from public boat landings, public lands or parks. Fish include Panfish, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike and Walleye. The lake's water clarity is very clear.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM)
This year, 2014, we treated 14.9 acres and had a company hand harvest approximately 5 acres of EWM at the north and south boat landings. In 2013, 60.9 were treated, in 2012, 58.3 acres were treated, in 2010, 39.5 acres were treated and in 2009, 81.1 acres of EWM were treated. Acres treated are based on mapping done by our consultant Onterra. We have been able to secure some grant funds to offset some of the treatment costs. However, the association still needs to fund 35% of the total costs. Our only source of income is through memberships, donations and fund raisers, please consider helping us control this rapidly spreading invasive. Without proper treatment, EWM will make boating and recreation on our beautiful lake challenging.
2014 Treatment Sites & Map
2014 Hand Harvest Sites & Map
2013 Treatment Sites & Map
2011 Treatment Sites & Map
Lake Fishery Information, Provided by Michael Preul, Fisheries Biologist
Submitted by Les Schramm
Lake Metonga Association partnered with the Mole Lake Sokaogon Chippewa Tribe, under the supervision of their Fishery Biologist, Mike Preul, to harvest an over-abundance of bullheads that thrive in Metonga waters. This assessment was the result of fyke-netting and electro-shocking surveys done by the Biologist and his staff. The harvest began in May of 2008 and has continued in June of 2009. Fyke nets were initially set, however, the bullheads weren't moving into the shallow water so very few were captured in the nets. The decision was then made to do electro-shocking. In May and June of 2008, Mike Preul and his staff spent nearly 40 hours electro-shocking and harvesting the bullheads. The captured fish were placed in holding nets and were later distributed to the local community residents, Raptors Educational Group, Inc. in Antigo and Lake Metonga Association members filleted and provided 250 pounds of fillets to NEWCAP, the local food pantry in Crandon. A total of 12,000 pounds (6 tons) of bullheads were harvested during the period in 2008. Each bullhead weighed approximately one pound; therefore, it is estimated that 11,000 fish were removed from Metonga’s waters. A decision was made to continue the harvest in 2009. Due to the cold weather this spring season, the bullheads weren't moving into the shallow water, therefore, electro-shocking was delayed until the second week of June. So far, 2,500 bullheads have been captured and the Fishery Biologist has set a goal to harvest a total of 5,000. Has this concentrated number of bullheads affected the Lake’s fishery? Yes, when the stomach contents of bullheads were examined, they were full of small perch, bass, walleye, and crayfish. The bullheads invade the nests of the game fish and consume the eggs. The juvenile bullheads feed on the common invertebrates, midges, worms, copepods, etc., which are also the food source for juvenile perch, bass and other game fish.
FISH ALERT If you are fishing in Lake Metonga from a boat or dock and you catch a bullhead and chose not to keep it for eating, don’t throw it back into the water. Dispose of it in the trash or bury it on land. Also, if you see schools of young bullheads, try to net as many as possible and also discard in the trash or bury them.
John Preuss - Lumberjack Resource, Conservation and Development Officer
Mike Preul - Fisheries Biologist, Sokaogon Chippewa Community